I wake up to this everyday.
Yesterday I walked around without my camera. I went to Shakespeare and Co, the bookstore that Hemingway and other Lost Generation writers often frequented, and then walked through the Latin Quarter a little bit. I got a crepe with nutella. Oh man.
Then I went to Notre Dame, and got to go inside in the day this time. It was gorgeous and breathtaking. Then I walked around the Historic Jewish Area of Paris called Marais, around the Pompidou Centre, and then through the Louvre Gardens and the Tuilleries again along Rue de Rivioli.
Twas a beautiful day.
Here are some random things I've noticed:
-Schoolkids dress to the NINE's here. We're talking...I thought there was a funeral or something. But I guess that's just school uniform. So posh.
- Scarlett Johanssen's Mango ads are everywhere, it's weird.
- Barak Obama is everywhere, especially on little kid tee shirts. Also weird.
-There are lots of Japanese tourists in Paris.
- Paris has the best shopping I've ever seen. Ever. How can you love EVERYTHING in every single store? Impossible right? But not...
Aujourd'hui , il fait beau a Paris.
I wonder where playing will end me up today. :)
A bientot!
Sheena, everything sounds so awesome! I am soooo sad that I missed your call this morning. Another time I hope!