My Mission Trip to France=$3800

I have raised $3,857.00 to date. My support raising is complete! Thank you!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

12 Days to go, $700 left to raise... and I have international tickets.

Note: This picture is of me getting my train ticket in Barcelona to Bilbao. We took a picture because it was the easiest process of getting a ticket that we had the entire trip. Irony is, my lack of time management and Spanish communication skills made me miss the train. Which was loads of fun...


I received my international itinerary today.

It was kind of weird.
I just went to my Pioneers Edge website and there they were.
Tickets with my name on them.
Little slots of travel telling me a specific coordinate of space I will be departing from and arriving at within a specific space of time.

It's really happening.
I'm really going back.

God-willing, I do have 12 days, but I am preparing to walk through the door that has been placed in front of me.

And that door leads me to go from Miami, to London, to France. (and back again).

My current prayer to our sweet Jesus is: "What are others ways I can prepare?"

It's interesting though, because in everything, it feels like HE has prepared it all, and is just asking me to trust that He is faithful.

Such a sweet allusion can be found in me being given travel plans today.

Here's what I mean to say: Being given an itinerary is such a stark contrast to this past autumn, in which James and I spent countless hours upon hours researching flights, trains, busses, you name it, to get us from point A to point B. It was a lot of hard work (we traveled over 6 different countries!), and though I think we both really enjoyed the planning and though that added to the experience, it was really plain stressful sometimes.
Like, I cried a lot, poor guy.

But now, how sweet it is to just be given tickets with everything already planned out!

I feel so cared for!

Much like I'm given a ticket and a travel plan, a plan I didn't have to work for at all and a plan that I can just trust is good and was planned for my good, I can look at my life and realize that the Lord has given me my life and that He has a purpose and a plan for me and for my summer, and that His plan is good.

Oh what a sweet Lord.

Our guardian and guidance. Our planner and protector.

12 days. $700 to go.
And I have tickets.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

17 days away. 71% raised. And We Eat. We Play. We Listen was a huge success!

Dearest friends,

Thank you so much to all who attended my benefit event this Saturday! I loved spending time eating, picnicking, playing, and listening to wonderful local music with you.
And the perfect weather was just the cherry on top to the most perfect day.
I can’t forget to thank my dear friends and talented musicians who played for the event:

James Roquemore

Rudy Stockhausen

A listen to their work will not be regretted.

As an update, I wanted to let you know that
I successfully raised $630 from my event!

WOW friends, I am both moved and humbled by your generosity.
What a beautiful community I have.In addition to the $630 raised at the event, I have gotten calls from people who were sad they unable to attend, but still wanted to give.

The total of these pledges amounts to $400, which puts me at
$1030 raised this weekend!

Endlessly thank you to all who came out, prayed, and continue to support me in this fundraising process.
I am 17 days away from the trip and have raised $2710 of the $3800 I need.
It’s hard to believe I am already at 71% - I have been so enjoying walking with the Lord as I watch him faithfully raise my funds and call others to join my support team. Friends, please continue to pray for the remainder of my funds to come in. And as always, let me know of ways I can pray for you.

Thank you so much for the blessing of your friendship and interest.

Love always,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

26 days away. 40% raised. And I played petanque!

Yesterday was not my favorite day, but I got to do some of my favorite things: going to church, reading (Eat Pray Love, which is the story of my life, I feel), and picnicking with French people.

Last week I got the idea to contact French churches in Orlando to build some contacts for my trip. That Google search unfortunately was a dead end, as it turns out there are no French churches, or even French speaking churches, in Orlando (according to Google). This only spurs me to go to France even more.
I did, however, find Alliance Francaise, a group whose mission is to unite and encourage the French cultural exchange in America. On Saturday I spoke with the president of the Orlando chapter and was invited their monthly picnic at Mead Gardens, which I happily went to this Sunday.

I got to eat taboule and roasted chicken, along
with some wonderful red wine, and spoke French to many people! I told them a little about my trip, and while none of the people who I spoke to seemed to be Christian, they were excited for me to go.
Then we played a game of pétanque, which is a very ancient game of boules, kind of like Bocce. It was so fun!
Here is a picture I took this past fall of pétanque being played in Cannes.
These old men were so into it, I'm sure I overhead at least a few arguments, ha! Apparently this game is very popular in the South, so I will definitely be playing a lot of it this summer!

In other news, I'm getting very excited about my bar-b-que/party/house show this weekend. Do come out and join the festivities. It's gonna be a lot of fun! Here's a plug for my wonderful friends who are playing, take a listen!

James Roquemore

Here's a link to the event, which also has all the information as far as time (2-11pm) date (this Sat, May 15) and place (myhouse!).

HERE'S WHERE I'M AT: I have successfully raised 40% of my support need. THANK YOU THANK YOU to my dear friends and family who have supported, are praying, and will continue to support me on this trip. I'm so humbled, blessed, and excited for how you have all encouraged and loved me.

I am equally as excited to see who else God has provided to join my support team this summer! Perhaps it's you!
As always, you are most welcome to give here.

So, I do have a few prayer requests.

I'm not sure if it's spiritual attack or what, but I am recently overwhelmed with a sense of ALONENESS and FEAR.
Please pray against this.
I'm learning to invite others to fight with me.
Also, please pray for redemption in some relationships in my life.
Please pray that I believe the truth of who I am created to be in Christ. Being captive to lies and insecurity is getting exhausting. I know my Lord and I know that in Him there is strength and freedom.

Dear friends, please pray. And of course, thank you.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

35 days. And I learned how to surf.

I had an amazing morning today.

The Lord is so sweet to me. He loves abundantly.

This summer I will be going to France on a missions trip with Pioneers. Part of what I will be doing in France involves working alongside a surf ministry.

I have no idea what that would even look like nor have I ever been surfing!

Ok, so I remembered encountering a surf ministry in Cocoa a couple years ago while I was there with friends. So, encouraged that there was a surf ministry close to me, I searched on Facebook for "Christian Surfers+Cocoa Beach" and lo and behold, I found "Christian Surfers of Cocoa Beach."
I became Facebook friends with them and saw that they hold monthly bible studies and surf times. One was coming up, so I went to it.
It was this morning, and it was awesome. I got to share some prayer requests for my summer and for ministry in France. And then some people PRAYED over me.

Complete strangers, just brothers and sisters in Christ. Oh how beautiful is the family of God.

THEN they taught me how to surf.

I truly believe that Lord has anointed some kind of blessing upon my body, because I could not believe it that uncoordinated, CLUTZY, I-get-bruises-all-the-time-because-I-walk-into-walls ME stood up on the board ON MY FIRST WAVE.

Oh man. Just crazy. JUST CRAZY. And then I stood up on practically EVERY WAVE after that.

It was so fun.
I might be addicted.

In addition, they shared with me different resources, like great Christian Surfing films, and great Christian surfers, websites, etc. and GAVE ME A SURFER'S BIBLE.

Sweet blessings. Such sweet blessings.

God is good. So good. And I am SO STOKED for my summer. :)